Jude Hanley

Jude Hanley

WriterSouthampton, United Kingdom
+ Info


Ajax Jackson
Dee Drayson
Michaela Hayes
Jude Hanley

Jude Hanley

WriterSouthampton, United Kingdom
About me
Hi, I am a qualified careers adviser, careers writer and generally creative person. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community I am an advocate for equality and diversity and this has been reflected in some of the written content I've created. So far I've written careers content for websites and online publications and platforms, but am always looking to do more. I previously ran my own business called Smooglies where I created bespoke creatures using socks! I even ran Smooglie making workshops to bring the Smooglie joy to others. As well as working for a university and, undertaking freelance writing projects, I also run my own careers advice business called Queer Careers. This is aimed at those within the LGBTQ+ community and their allies. I create blog content as well as provide careers advice services.
  • What do graduates do? 2020/21
    What do graduates do? 2020/21I was headhunted and asked to write one of the subject related articles within this year's publication. I chose to write the humanities piece as this was the subject I had studied at university. The publication is read by careers advisers and students nationally. The opening section of the article is shown here.
  • 4 reasons your careers service should start a 'Clothing Closet'
    4 reasons your careers service should start a 'Clothing Closet'In 2018, at Solent University, I launched a brand new and innovative project called the Clothing Closet. Through this, we sourced free professional clothes to give to any student attending a job interview or starting a new job. There was no eligibility criteria connected to this and it was well sued and liked by the students and staff alike. In conjunction with this we partnered with a local charity, CLIC Sargent, to help raise awareness of their work. I wrote this article for prospects luminat
  • CV and Application Guide
    CV and Application GuideI co-wrote this publication with my colleague Kelly. She wrote the CV section and I wrote the application section. As well as researching and writing the publication, we also had to consider the images to use to ensure they were representative of the Solent student body. I also took on a proof reading role, thoroughly checking the copy before it was sent to the editors and printers.
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Work history
    Careers AdviserQueer Careers
    Southampton, United KingdomPart Time
    Whether you're looking for Careers Advice, a LinkedIn audit, a CV written or just want support with your job search, Queer Careers can provide this and much more. Aimed at everyone within the LGBTQ+ community, the site includes a blog, advice and a range of employability services.
    Southampton, United KingdomFreelance
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  • Writing
  • Proofreading
  • Editing
  • Project Management
  • Research
  • Career Advice
  • Career Coaching
  • Presentation Design
  • Presentations
  • Interviewing
    The Open University logo
    The Open University logo
    BA (Hons) Humanities with Creative WritingThe Open University
     - Walton Hall, Kents Hill, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK
    Careers Champion FinalistWorking Adviser
    I was very pleased to be placed third in the National Careers Champion Awards in 2018 for my work on the Clothing Closet at Solent University.