Julia Stuijfzand

Julia Stuijfzand

Creative ProducerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Addyson Brough
Tabi Cooper
James Coombes
Julia Stuijfzand

Julia Stuijfzand

Creative ProducerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Hi I’m Julia! - half Italian, half Dutch, based in London UK /// I’m a multi-lingual, creative producer in the field of visualisation and a visual artist myself. As a people person, I’m relationship-oriented and a diverse communicator. At Scriberia, I manage projects from the development of elaborate infographics to illustrations, animation and live-scribing for events. Clients are very diverse ranging from Deloitte and IBM to Antislavery International.
  • Ocean = life
    Ocean = lifeIllustration to depict different elements of ocean life and who strongly depend on it: small-scale fisheries. This illustration was used in a report on the contributions of a sustainable seafood eco labelling program and its contributions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, specifically through a case-study of certified small-scale fisheries.
  • Fantasia Corallina
    Fantasia Corallina- Personal project - sharing the beauty of coral reefs through illustration and poetry. Coral Coral You submerged Jungle filled with floral Colour, a mere wonder As I float and ponder The ingenuity of Life, A painting In my mind So I tried
Work history
    Senior Creative Producer
    Creative Producer
  • Illustration
  • Book Illustration
  • Photography
  • Adobe Lightroom
  • Adobe Indesign
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Production
    Experience DesignHyper Island
     - Amsterdam, Netherlands
    MA Experience Design (6 months version)
    MinorTechnical University of Delft
     - Delft, Netherlands
    Minor in International Development and Sustainable Entrepreneurship. Internship in Ghana, West-Africa - designing a sustainable cook stove for local women
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