Kairau Bradley

Kairau Bradley

DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Biff Studio
Femi Garber
Kairau Bradley

Kairau Bradley

DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
A lover of life, a drinker of coffee and a passion for awesomeness, I have been in the design industry for seven years after completing a Bachelor of Design and Visual Arts majoring in Graphic Design in 2011. I have a lifetime of experience in the creative industry from design and illustration to video, print and street art murals. I take every job I engage in personally as I aim to squeeze every ounce of passion, fun and hard work out of it. I am heavily engaged in the art community as a freelance and studio artist under the alias HASER. I have collaborated and worked with many international brands over the years including PUMA, Jägermeister, Red Bull, Mountain Dew as well as local New Zealand brands. I have also been invited to and painted at many street art events around the world including Art Basil (Miami), Street Dealin (Jakarta), Wall Lords (Taipei), BurgerFuel (Dubai) and many more throughout New Zealand and Australia. As a cultural ambassador within the street art community I make sure I give back as much as I can; I have mentored and given artist talks to youth groups, artist seminars and university level education. My hunger for growth and experience is always expanding and my desire for opportunities and possibilities are limitless.
  • NZ Vapor
    NZ VaporNZVAPOR is one of the fastest growing e-cigarette and e-liquid companies. To differentiate themselves from the over populated market they pulled away from the energy drink packaging and moved towards a traditional tattoo style mixed with humuourous flavour names. NZVapor supplied all the names of their ideal flavours and I produced for them 10 unique designs to compliment their brand and special edition packaging. A limited colour palatte and a particular illustration style was used to build th
  • Smokin' Beards
    Smokin' Beards
  • DOE
    DOEDOE Donuts is an Auckland based Donut delivery service that caters to the stomachs that crave a little more than the local bakery. In order to stick out from the ever growing boutique food industry DOE wanted more punch to their brand. As tempting as it was to design something soft and pastel we went in the other direction by using bright colours and an illustrative letter style that reflects the DOE girls polynesian heritage.
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Work history
    Senior DesignerBurgerFuel
     - Auckland, New ZealandFull Time
    I came into BurgerFuel as an in-house Junior Designer and worked my way up to Head Designer as well as Curator of BurgerFuel’s cultural incentive for the creative community “BurgerFuel Creative, Sweet”. As an inhouse designer, it meant I managed all aspects of the creative process from digital and print, to photography, videos and creative incentives. As the Head Designer I was also tasked with directing and managing the work flow of the design team to deliver the best outcomes for the brand focusing on each designers strongest attributes.
  • Illustration
  • Design
  • Typography
  • Graffiti
  • Curation
  • Branding Design
    Bachelor of Design and Visual ArtsUnitec Institute of Technology
     - Auckland, New Zealand