Katie Dancey-Downs

Katie Dancey-Downs

WriterBournemouth, United Kingdom
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Pip Jamieson
Danielle Pender
Tori West
Katie Dancey-Downs

Katie Dancey-Downs

WriterBournemouth, United Kingdom
About me
I’m a freelance writer and journalist with a passion for human rights and the environment. Before stepping into the world of freelance, I was a founding member of The Lush Times (an online platform for reporting the unreported) and co-editor of the revived Lush Times magazine. My role as senior writer at Lush took me all over the world, producing multimedia content with a focus on ethical storytelling. I've investigated vegan activism in Toronto, spent time with regenerative farmers in India, and met Syrian refugees working as rose pickers in Turkey. I write about human rights, the environment, animal rights, and culture. I've been published by the likes of The 'i' News, Index on Censorship, The Ecologist, Resurgence Magazine, and Shadowproof, and my work has been written about by The BBC, The Guardian, and The Canary. I've also got a particular passion for creative nonfiction, and have been a runner up for the Fresher Writing Prize twice (2017 and 2019), and was a finalist for the New Media Writing Prize in 2019, all with creative nonfiction stories. Investigating refugee issues has taken me to places like Calais, Uganda, and Turkey, where I always focus on telling human stories, while my documentary Behind the Headlines takes a closer look at what it's like to be an asylum seeker in the UK. ​As well as specialising in refugee issues, I've explored the role of Indigenous knowledge in preventing environmental destruction. This topic has taken me to meet the Tiny House Warriors and Indigenous Climate Action in Canada, and to produce an audio documentary and written series with an Indigenous community facing destruction of their sacred natural site in Kenya. With my feet firmly on UK soil, I've investigated issues like the UK's complicity in data-driven drone strikes, and the controversial undercover policing scandal, meeting women impacted directly. I've been on a 24 hour hunger strike in solidarity with Guantánamo Bay prisoners, and supported the campaign to get British citizen Andy Tsege released from death row in Ethiopia - breaking the news that Andy was home was my best day at work to date. In 2018, after part-time study alongside a full-time job, I received a distinction in MA Journalism Practice from Bournemouth University, after focussing my research on ethical storytelling of refugee issues - a topic which I continue to speak about and explore. I waddled across the graduation stage in November 2019 whilst nine months pregnant, and have jumped into freelancing following my maternity leave.
  • Countries Exploit Covid-19 Pandemic to Block Refugees
    Countries Exploit Covid-19 Pandemic to Block RefugeesThe impact of Covid-19 shutdowns is having a worrying impact on people seeking asylum. I spoke to Human Rights Watch and Refugee Rights Europe to find out more, in an investigative piece for Shadowproof. https://shadowproof.com/2020/05/18/countries-exploit-covid-19-pandemic-to-shut-down-borders-and-block-refugees/
  • Lush Times magazine
    Lush Times magazineThe new Lush Times magazine champions innovation, sparks change, and gives a platform to diverse voices. We believe in ethical storytelling that's fair, well researched, and meaningful. The first issue, "Join the Regeneration" focuses on stories of people regenerating social and environmental systems, and making positive changes. Here's a sneak peek at some of the contents: Aloe Roots This is the story behind Aloe secundiflora, which goes into Charity Pot body lotion and Parsley Porridge so
Projects credited in
  • Lush Times Magazine
    Lush Times MagazineTimes have changed, and there’s a new magazine in town. Call it a lifestyle zine, call it a journal, just don’t call it a catalogue. Within these pages, are ideas to spark change. Soak up stories of people regenerating the planet and social systems, from the Maasai women growing aloe in Kenya, to tearing down beauty norms in the age of social media. Hear from Harnaam Kaur, the Sumatran Orangutan Society, and other voices from the Lushoverse. And there’s barely a bath bomb in sight. Dip into t
Work history
    Freelance writer and journalistFreelance Journalist & Writer
    Bournemouth, United KingdomFreelance
    Senior writerLUSH UK
     - Poole, United KingdomFull Time
    I started at Lush as a Junior Writer, and within six months became a Senior Writer, helping to set up the Lush Times online, a platform for reporting the unreported. I was lucky enough to travel extensively to investigate stories for the Lush Times, whether it be the connection between aloe growing and Maasai women stopping FGM in their community, or how Indigenous women in Canada are standing up for Mother Earth. At the beginning of 2019, I co-edited the new and improved Lush Times magazine, packed full of stories about regeneration, and all connected to Lush in some way. The stories were all told in an ethical, solutions-focussed way. Alongside writing, I’ve picked up skills in podcasting, documentary making, event hosting, and panel discussions. I’ve worked as a writer and creative on big campaigns, and used that playful Lush voice to write copy.
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  • Writing
  • Content Writing
  • Feature Writer
  • Feature Writing
  • Feature Articles
  • Journalism
  • Online Journalism
  • Print Journalism
  • Editorial Content
  • Editorial Direction
  • Editorial Copy
  • Editoral Experience
  • Editorial Leadership
  • Magazine Articles
  • Magazine Editing
  • Magazine Publishing
  • Social Media
  • Blogging
  • Blog Content
  • Podcast Production
  • Podcasting
  • Video Journalism
  • Script Writer
  • Playwriting
  • Creative Writing