I like to say that I'm simply a "Designer" because I don't like the limitations associated with a more specific label like Graphic Designer. I help build brands, products, services & experiences both creatively & artistically through the methods & media I have become familiar with, but also figuring out things I have not. Whatever I do, it's always with the same philosophy: I put in the care and purpose of a perfectionist, and try to counter that affliction with finding beauty and personality in humanist imperfections.
Work history
Design DirectorANCHOVY. studios PLC
- MaltaFull Time
Following my degree in graphic design & interactive media at the Maltese school of arts in Mcast, I looked to make my own path in the industry as a young designer with no experience, joining two young ambitious entrepreneurs with their venture ANCHOVY. I started as the lead designer going from doing small to larger campaigns in digital commercial design where I learned a lot from the technical & business side, but wanted to find more fulfillment & develop my skills in design because that is where I feel I can add most value; so we started doing more web design & brand identity work. The heavier design work allowed us to grow a department of 7 designers where I began doing more direction as well as collaborations with other disciplines, such as photo & video shoots.
- Graphic Design
- Branding
- Art Direction
- Typography
- Crafting
- Material Design
- Layout Design
- Handmade Design
- Creative Direction
Bachelor of Arts (First-Class Honours) in Graphic Design & Interactive MediaMCAST Institute of Art and Design
- Malta