Lauren Samme

Lauren Samme

FacilitatorLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Emil Allard
Pip Jamieson
Nicole Krystal Crentsil
Lauren Samme

Lauren Samme

FacilitatorLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Facilitation is my passion and with over 7 years experience in facilitation, witnessing the positive impact of 30 minute ice breaker play bursts, I am currently excited to launch my own business providing teams who need to enhance communication, mental wellbeing, alleviate feelings of loneliness and add a 'Lila' bit of spice into their working life. If you are interested in injecting life into your team meeting - a 30 minute play burst will hit the spot - enhancing teams communication, mental wellbeing and alleviate feelings of isolation - feel free to message me. I am also a qualified TESL/TEFL tutor/mentor, with 3 years experience of tutoring TESL/Business English if you wish to take conversational English lessons with a spoonful of grammer send me a message.
Work history
    Goldsmiths, University of London logo
    Goldsmiths, University of London logo
    FounderGoldsmiths, University of London
    London, United KingdomFreelance