- Microdosing: A Cognitive Coffee?This documentary explores the new practice of microdsing LSD. It includes an interview with an expert, as well as an interview with two microdosers. Is Microdosing as good as it seems on the surface? The film combines interview skills as well as animation and other visual explanations. This was made with a team of four at Goldsmiths, University of London
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Work history
Runner production assistantClapham Road Studios
- London, United KingdomInternship
I did work experience at Clapham Road- a stop-motion studio in London. I aided on two production building sets, running, and dressing sets. It was the most fun I've had doing a job!
- Adobe After Effects
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Premiere Pro
- Adobe Audition
- Stop Motion
- Set Design
- Set Building
- Dragonframe
- Camera Operation
- Directing
BA Media and CommunicationsGoldsmiths, University of London
- London, United Kingdom
I studied media and communications at Goldsmiths. This entails a lot of cultural studies, politics, as well as psychology. My film related courses were engaging and I spent 50% of my time on practical work, film and animation.