Lena Tzivekis

Lena Tzivekis

WriterPhiladelphia, United States
+ Info


Ella Masters
Nanda Kovic
Josh Warner
Lena Tzivekis

Lena Tzivekis

WriterPhiladelphia, United States
Projects credited in
  • Starbucks Chilled - Spanish Digital asset
    Starbucks Chilled - Spanish Digital asset
  • Starbucks "Red Cup" VoD Content
    Starbucks "Red Cup" VoD ContentWe wait all year then suddenly, to our extreme slow-mo surprise, the Red Cups appear and the holiday season can officially begin.
  • Starbucks Autumn '18
    Starbucks Autumn '18Starbucks ads have always been very product centric. We thought they had a much better thing to talk about – people. Hundreds of thousands of people go through Starbucks every day. We thought this was an immense opportunity to showcase the real people that sit, stand or saunter through Starbucks and share their humble stories.