Leo Wimmer

Leo Wimmer

Music artistLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Mia Caven
Asiya Issa
Leo Wimmer

Leo Wimmer

Music artistLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Hey I'm a London-based music artist from Austria. socials: @iamprinzleo
  • concert promotion (paid)
    concert promotion (paid)Looking for an experienced concert promoter for a music event in London in December, get in touch @ mail@prinzleo.com x
Projects credited in
  • Prinz Leo - you seem tired all the time (Music Video)
    Prinz Leo - you seem tired all the time (Music Video)Here it is the latest music video I've done with the one and only Prinz Leo. It was just one day shoot where together with Sam Norton and Ruby Yu we put all the streng to work smart and move fast! Artist - @iampriznleo AC - @samnortonfilm MUA - @rubyyu._ Director, DOP and Editor - @carlostorrespictures
Work history
    MusicianPrinz Leo limited
    London, United KingdomFull Time
    LCCM logo
    LCCM logo
    Music ProductionLCCM
     - 241 Union St, London SE1 0LR, UK