Lily Marie Cameron

StrategistLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
josh akapo
Gerrome Miller

Lily Marie Cameron

StrategistLondon, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • #youthcertified #passiton, "Hot House Week" with NHS Organ Donor, 23red & Joined Up Thinking
    #youthcertified #passiton, "Hot House Week" with NHS Organ Donor, 23red & Joined Up Thinkingwe brought together five amazing young creatives who'd never worked in-agency before (Sofia, Merle, Hillary, Jonathan and Stafi) to create a nationwide campaign targeting 16-17 year olds about the change-in-law for organ donation in england. for more information, please visit
  • Our Mayor. Your Vote.
    Our Mayor. Your Vote.
  • Bin it – don't block it.
    Bin it – don't block it.