Linda Caracciolo Borra / Orbac

Linda Caracciolo Borra / Orbac

Visual ArtistLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Shingi Rice
Kid Circus
Linda Caracciolo Borra / Orbac

Linda Caracciolo Borra / Orbac

Visual ArtistLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Projects I'm presenting here on The Dots are mainly personal projects not in collaboration. If you like anything of the work I make don't hesitate to have a look at my website and contact me via email or here on the dots to let me know for an eventual collaboration. I am currently working as textile designer at Mirjam Rouden Ltd in East London. I've been studying firstly fashion marketing and communication, then slowly went towards the arts. I am a multimedia artist. I work with painting, mainly abstract, sound, poetry, drawing, sculpture, photography, collage and sometimes video performance. Improvisation is part of my process.
  • the hills of lavender
    the hills of lavenderone out of a series of songs I made during the lockdown days, here in London it consists basically of a poem I wrote in January this year and then later these days transformed into a song created using voice, arturia mini lab mk2, ableton live and analog lab my sound based work name is lactea (from latin - via lactea - for milky way) hope you enjoy ;)
  • self published book
    self published bookin june 2016 after three months workshop together with the help of the Italian curator Luca Panaro / photography teacher at Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera in Milan (Brera Fine Arts Academy) I realised this self published book that year after year is being exhibited in several art books-related fairs. I would love to have it published by a publishing house, does anybody have any suggestions of which art book publishing house could be interested in such a book? this is the photographic work
  • textile print for Mirjam Rouden Ltd
    textile print for Mirjam Rouden Ltdhand-drawn pattern, later on assembled in Adobe Ps_for Mirjam Rouden Ltd_february 2020
  • Illustrations for VICE Mag Italia in the occasion of  'Premio Strega' _2016
    Illustrations for VICE Mag Italia in the occasion of 'Premio Strega' _2016two illustrations made for a commission by Vice Magazine Italy in occasion of the italian literature prize 'Premio Strega' in June 2016 here is the link to the post being published
  • paintings
    paintingsabstraction mixed media on wood panel mainly acrylic, oil, spray paint, oil bar, oil pastels, crayons
  • squarish compos/
    squarish compos/abstract compositions digitally made
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  • Illustration
  • Photography
  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Interior Decoration
  • Foreign Languages
  • Voice Artist
    Fine Arts BachelorHaute École des Arts du Rhin, HEAR
     - Mulhouse, France
    directly admitted from the 2nd to the 3rd year I had my graduation with top honours from the jury
    Fine Arts BachelorGerrit Rietveld Academie
     - Amsterdam, Netherlands
    basic year + first year fine arts
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