Lisa Bouvery

Lisa Bouvery

VideographerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Francis Lane
Omar Dick
Lisa Bouvery

Lisa Bouvery

VideographerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I’ve previously studied creative & digital media, video production and media studies. Experience I have gained include working as an apprentice videographer, as well as working as a camera operator and video editor for Roundhouse part of the Bloomberg broadcast programme. These opportunities have allowed me to work on a variety of projects which include: live events, music performances, short documentaries, an electronic press kit, promos, panel shows and chat shows.
  • Skepta
    SkeptaLancey Foux & Skepta Backstage
  • ATO - Muscle Twitch
    ATO - Muscle Twitch
  • Gxft
    GxftGxft - Commitments (Music Video)
  • THREADS: Ethan
    THREADS: EthanIntroducing videographer & photographer Ethan
  • Threads: Mayward
    Threads: Mayward
  • Takushla
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Projects credited in
  • A Day with Olimpia | JOLOUSTUDIO
    A Day with Olimpia | JOLOUSTUDIOWe spent an afternoon at our friend Olimpias Gerladin Arrivabenes home, a lively flat shared with her friend and her Cousin in West London. We drank tea on her sunny terrace, ate peaches and strawberries and ended the day at her favourite pub. She told us about her music sharing instagram IPPAFM and we talked about her love of singer songwriters and how her nannies influenced her music taste.
Work history
    Boiler Room logo
    Boiler Room logo
    Camera OperatorBoiler Room
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    Filming & editing various videos: music shows, events, promotional, interviews, conferences, beauty, fashion and food.
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  • Broadcast Camera
  • Camera Operating
  • Adobe Editing
  • Digital Cameras
    Advanced Apprenticeship (level 3) in Creative Digital MediaCollage Arts
     - London, United Kingdom
    Big Creative Training logo
    Big Creative Training logo
    Film Video ProductionBig Creative Training
     - London, United Kingdom
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