Lucia Rey

Lucia Rey

AnimatorLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Ella Masters
Lisa Carletta
Janey Jones
Lucia Rey

Lucia Rey

AnimatorLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Hi! My name is Lucia! I'm a 2D animator living in London. I'm originally from Argentina, and I've worked there for 3 years before coming to this beautiful city. I'm doing some personal projects at the moment regarding the art community. The themes I usually explore is wellness and the impact of media on human development. I'm interested in understanding if there's a way to make things healthier and better for artists that have to balance developing themselves, grow in their careers and also dedicating time to rest.
  • Words to myself.
    Words to myself."Words to myself" It's an ongoing project inspired by my own personal experience being an artist in a world that doesn't stop and doesn't always allow the idea of resting as part of the creative process. Then the question arises: How do we actually feel? Are we enjoying what we do? or are we always chasing the next deadline? Do we know how to rest? Inspired but the instagram journaling community, this project is born as a community journal where annonimous participants from the UK can share th