Madalina Andronic

Madalina Andronic

Artist and TeacherIași, Romania
+ Info


Madalina Andronic

Madalina Andronic

Artist and TeacherIași, Romania
About me
In love of figurative expressions and I enjoy every second of visual study, moments when I paint with an unstoppable curiosity what I see in my mind. Born on 2nd of march 1989 in Iași, Romania
  • Untouched
    Untouched„Untouched" is a solo show about places or people, things or feelings which I interacted with from one point to another. The impossibility of developing a normal social or love relationship with other people has been translated into visual language by representing a cactus for example, a double person or a different type of self, "the other extreme", etc.
  • Painting
  • Drawing
    Doctor in Visual ArtsUniversity of Visual Arts "George Enescu" from Iasi, Romania
     - Iași, Romania
    Distinguished connection between the terms communication and art questions a third term expression, offering at least two analysis direction of it for the art from contemporary era (and not only). The unilateral character of the portrait type is unanimously accepted in the ordinary space by most individuals who already have a significant knowledge of the terms mentioned above. This fact leads to a redefinition of a new theoretical model with a cumulative character in perceiving the contemporary portrait from the unification of the three interconnected terms.
    MA in Visual ArtsUniversity of Visual Arts "George Enescu" from Iasi, Romania
     - Iași, Romania
    Master diploma in visual arts, painting, portraits expressiveness. Also studied Postmodern aesthetics / layout structures in painting / Chromatic structures in painting / Syncretism of modern techniques
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