Marcela Recinos

Marcela Recinos

Architecht and Master in Research for innovation and designEl Salvador
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Pip Jamieson
Nicole Krystal Crentsil
Shanice Mears
Marcela Recinos

Marcela Recinos

Architecht and Master in Research for innovation and designEl Salvador
About me
Hello! I am Salvadoran architect with experience in coordinating projects developed jointly with different engineering specialists. I recently completed a master's degree in Elisava (Barcelona), which is focused on qualitative and ethnographic research, as well as methodologies for innovation for the improvement of services and products. This allowed me to work with multidisciplinary teams, which allowed to generate new ideas that contributed to the resolution of the different challenges by gaining empathy with the user to understand their context, motivations, etc., and also, by the study of other cases (regional and global level), to reach solutions that guarantee the appropriation and resolution of the project. I believe that it is necessary to begin to change the way in which the challenges in a lot of places are being addressed, and for that reason, I want to participate in projects or organizations who want to promote social development through creativity.
  • Cultural Center
    Cultural CenterI designed the “Cultural Center” as a response to the lack of public spaces in the metropolitan area of ​​San Salvador, El Salvador. This proposal became relevant since its approach was to provide well-being to the inhabitants of San Salvador, and contribute through architecture, to the development of society. To achieve this, I tried to leave a small construction footprint and thus facilitate the mobility of the pedestrian through the place, which in consequence, allowed the outer space to beca
  • Los Cóbanos village: Community Hostel and Restaurant
    Los Cóbanos village: Community Hostel and RestaurantThe informal settlement of houses “Playa Los Cóbanos” is part of the cantón Punta Remedios, municipality of Acajutla, El Salvador, and is located within the Natural Protected Area from Los Cobanos reef. With the aim of vindicating the human right to decent housing and guaranteeing sustainable livelihoods, I designed a hostel that could work as a refugee for it’s community; and also a market and food court that could be managed by them. Both projects are part of a master plan, which central axis is self-sustainin housing, and are part of a set of actions that contribute to the integral development by the realization of special projects that respond to the specific needs and characteristics of the place and its inhabitants. For the development of the master plan I worked with a team (Karen, Javier, and Ernesto) and a mentor (Claudia) who guided us through the project.
  • SFFDH: San Francisco Fire Department Headquarters
    SFFDH: San Francisco Fire Department HeadquartersThe Central Fire Station of San Francisco is a design that was presented for the contest conducted on the website ARCHmedium, as an answer to the need of having a main station from which this institution could coordinate and develop their activities. For the conceptualization, design, and development of the idea, I worked with a team: Martín, who is a graphic designer, and Ernesto, who is also an architecht and illustrator. Together, we designed the fire department headquarters under the concept of “The Ladder”. This concept aims to pay tribute to the work of firefighters and represent their desire for overcoming adversity. Formally, the building is composed by two interconected bodies. The first floor includes spaces where they can develop technical work and other support areas; the other levels you can find spaces such as a residence for the firemen and recreational areas.
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Work history
    Design Thinking for entrepreneurship • Academic Project
     - Barcelona, SpainInternship
    Through the Design Thinking methodology and with a multidisciplinary team, we sought to restructure our client’s business model through the creation of an integral work system that allows her to efficiently manage her resources with the objective of retaining the current customers and reach new markets.
    Arrels Foundation: Trends research project • Academic Project nominated to Elisava’s award
     - Barcelona, SpainInternship
    By working with a multidisciplinary team, it was possible to identify different scenarios which would help to improve the way to work inside the Arrels’s workshop so they could reach its goal of making feel homeless people useful to recover their social and personal skills through activities that would adapt to their different profiles.
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  • 3D Designer
  • Cool Hunting
  • Creative Thinker
  • Architect
  • Researcher
  • UX Designer
  • Architecture Interiors
  • Empathy
     - El Salvador