Marcos Harris Jr

Marcos Harris Jr

Nashville, United States
+ Info


Adedunla Akerele-Ale
Stephanie Paul
Suyen Fernandez
Marcos Harris Jr

Marcos Harris Jr

Nashville, United States
  • Xceleader x BetterHelp
    Xceleader x BetterHelpAs we have concluded Mental Health Awareness Month, we are thrilled to announce our collaboration with BetterHelp, aiming to create a meaningful difference in the lives of 200 HBCU students. At Xceleader, we understand that mental health is a continuous endeavor, not to be addressed with a single solution or confined to a mere month of attention. We acknowledge that life's journey necessitates ongoing support, and our commitment is to empower and uplift the upcoming generation of Black leaders.
Projects credited in
  • Xceleader x BetterHelp
    Xceleader x BetterHelpAs we have concluded Mental Health Awareness Month, we are thrilled to announce our collaboration with BetterHelp, aiming to create a meaningful difference in the lives of 200 HBCU students. At Xceleader, we understand that mental health is a continuous endeavor, not to be addressed with a single solution or confined to a mere month of attention. We acknowledge that life's journey necessitates ongoing support, and our commitment is to empower and uplift the upcoming generation of Black leaders.