Marjan Tajedin

Marjan Tajedin

+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Rowan Mills
Alexi Charovas
Marjan Tajedin

Marjan Tajedin

Projects credited in
  • /ma.nji.fik//
    /ma.nji.fik//Brand book created for fictional tight brand /ma.nji.fik//
  • Absence
  • Creation
    CreationCreation is an abstract visual representation of my life and the locations I have been to. Initially started as a project to evoke an emotional response in viewers however it evolved thus representing my favourite memories and also having an almost religious response to God's creation; that being the world. It is a three-screen installation piece which involved three circles being projector mapped (resulting in the seen shadows from each circle in the video). University of Westminster Create
  • Athena
    AthenaThis feminist magazine was part of my master's programme at University of Westminster. I worked with a team of 10 students as editor in chief to plan and create a full-length magazine with original stories and content.
  • Ethical Sauce
    Ethical SauceAward winning short film. Logline: A vegan and a werewolf fall in love.
  • Emoji
    EmojiSatire on the internet age, reflecting on our behaviours on social media.
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