Martin Radosa

Martin Radosa

Graphic Design | UX/UI | BrandingLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Connor Maxwell
Pip Jamieson
Cat Sims
Martin Radosa

Martin Radosa

Graphic Design | UX/UI | BrandingLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Martin works in Graphic Design, UX/UI & Branding. He's passionate about creative environments where innovation meets design. Presently located in London, he’s actively considering new full-time permanent creative opportunities while he’s working on self-initiated projects with fellow creatives involving target audiences interviews with strong focus on concept, user personas and testing. Ultimately, he's experienced working collaboratively across busy design, content and marketing teams, capable of managing and delivering huge amounts of workload under meeting tight deadlines simultaneously while dealing with multiple stakeholders. In this process he quite often employs Trello, Slack and other relevant tools. Most importantly, he flourishes in creative ecosystems working closely and collaboratively with junior to senior designers. If you feel like he’s a good fit for a relevant creative role please don’t hesitate to get in touch! Contact him at
  • User-centered Design
  • Teamworking
  • Time Management
  • Client Communication
    Ravensbourne University London logo
    Ravensbourne University London logo
    BA (Hons) Graphic DesignRavensbourne University London
     - London, United Kingdom