Martine Agranat

Martine Agranat

Production AssistantLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Martine Agranat

Martine Agranat

Production AssistantLondon, United Kingdom
  • Sex and Solitude
    Sex and SolitudeSex and Solitude is a poetic, observational documentary that explores Meg Rodgers, a 65-year-old queer woman. Through Meg we see a character portrait of a mature Australian woman as framed through her sexual fantasies, slowly uncovering her relationship to ageing and desire. Creatives: Rhory Mackellar (Co-Director), Heidi Shih (Co-Director), Mia Tikellis (Producer), Martine Agranat (Cinematographer) Meg Dione-Rodgers (Cast).
  • Egg
    EggYou spend the first half of your life with your parents, the second with your partner, the entire with your sister. Written, produced, and directed by Martine Agranat in 2023, Egg is a 5-minute short film about two sisters reflecting on their past, which leads them to reconsider their future plans. This project was developed and produced just a few weeks before Martine’s move from Sydney to London.
    Bachelor of Film ProductionAustrailian Film, Television and Radio School
     - Sydney, Australia
    Bachelor of Arts Screen: Production Majoring in Producing, Directing and Cinematography
    Bachelor of CommerceUniversity of New South Wales
     - Sydney, Australia
    Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Marketing.