- ThingSIM | Branding | Website (WIP)IoT Technology is rapidly becoming a go-to for many new products and services. Utilising an infrastructure of secure networks and interconnects, ThingSIM provides data through SIM cards for a huge range of devices to to ensure connectivity and security, away from the internet. Connections in 170+ countries means ThingSIM is a truly global network and can provide businesses of all sizes with secure data to their devices and products.
- Cloud Design Box | Branding | Website | PrintA leading Sharepoint product provider for schools and education the UK and US. Refreshing the visual identity of the business in 2018, I have worked with Cloud Design Box for the last 2 years rolling out their brand, website and updating the UI on their Sharepoint product.
- MKM Electrical BrochureA nationally distributed Electrical Brochure to target MKM's trade clients. This project adhered strictly to MKM's trade guidelines while allow flexibility with layouts and image usage. The 80+ page A5 catalogue featured everything from electrical tools to lighting and switches to sockets.
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Projects credited in
- Where Do We Go From Here?Where Do We Go from Here? used a specially choreographed interplay of light, shadow and sound to guide people through Hull's Old Town. It encouraged people to explore the city's night-time streets as dormant robots awakened, responding to the city's architecture, interacting with one another and with Hull's residents and visitors. The site-specific installations focused on three areas around Hull's Old Town, each featuring a different configuration of re-purposed industrial robots of varying sizes from ground to rooftop. The robots communicated through woven networks and acted as light guides creating kinetic animations resulting in an inquisitive acquaintance with the city. With a wide range of light effects, from beams to constellations, shadows and reflections, the robots animated and highlighted unseen places and encouraged people to see Hull in a new light. Specially sourced and curated soundscapes added to the experience. The commission's exhilarating mix of art and technology embodied key themes for Hull as it reflected on a successful year as UK City of Culture and looked towards the future
- Associate Director - Flood, SlungLow & Hull City of Culture 2017'An epic adventure about the end of our world, set in the future, told in many parts. Flood is the story of what happens to Hull when the waters come. Flood is Slung Low’s most ambitious and experimental project to date, using live performance, special effects, digital manifestations and other platforms to tell a story across an entire year.'