Meara Kallista Morse

Meara Kallista Morse

PhotographerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Swain Joshua
Michael Bervell
Nigil Crawford
Meara Kallista Morse

Meara Kallista Morse

PhotographerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Meara Kallista Morse is a Dutch photographer based in London, shooting mostly on film and specialising in portraiture, fashion, e-commerce, music and street photography.
Projects credited in
  • End Violence Against Women – Who Gets Off Campaign
    End Violence Against Women – Who Gets Off CampaignWe were asked by End Violence Against Women to create a campaign to raise awareness around rape and victim blaming. Their main aim was to get the public and media behind the campaign which in turn would drive more public conversations, push for an end to end review of how rape is handled by the criminal justice system, and guarantee advocacy for all rape victims. In order to connect with the audience we decided to use real stories from women’s experiences. These came from research End Violence
  • Nike London Presents Galentines Day
    Nike London Presents Galentines DayNike London Presents Galentines Day - A panel event hosted at Allbright Mayfair to celebrate the launch of the Nike Valentines Blazer Sneaker. Panellists: Chloe Pierre of thy.self, Jess Young of Boys In Polish, Desthy Dee, Toni Blaze of Wonderland Magazine and Paula Akpan Photos by Meara Kallista Morse
  • Fashion
  • Picture Editing
  • Travel
  • Retail
  • Photoshop
  • Photography
  • Social Media
  • Content Marketing
    Digital Photography BA (honsRavensbourne College of Design and Communication
     - London, United Kingdom
    Graduated 2014 First Class with Honours