Megan Moore

Megan Moore

ArtistBasingstoke, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Michael Irwin
Rhys Elsey
Megan Moore

Megan Moore

ArtistBasingstoke, United Kingdom
  • Earthbodies
    EarthbodiesEarthbodies began as an arts collective. We not only won an exhibition opportunity at CentreSpace Gallery in Bristol City Centre, but went on to win the UWE Impact and Innovation Scholarship for our endeavour to bring arts and sustainability together for a wider audience. As a result, we produced a podcast, publication and organised an exhibition (postponed due to Covid-19). My roles included co-project leading the scholarship award; co-hosting and planning the podcast; branding the podcast an
    BA(Hons) Fine Art Photography and Visual CultureUWE
     - Bristol, United Kingdom
    Fine Art and Visual Culture Ba(Hons) at University of the West of England, Bristol.
    Foundation Diploma in Art and DesignBasingstoke College of Technology
     - Basingstoke, United Kingdom
    I achieved a Merit accreditation for this course. Developing and understanding the core of art and design and as a result my own practice. In turn this ignited a commitment to arts and culture.
    Impact and Innovation ScholarshipUWE
    The UWE Impact and Innovation Scholarship entailed a funded 8 week programme, supported by an external entrepreneurial mentor. Within the programme were support workshops and seminars designed to improve and develop particular skills within businesses, such as online marketing and finances, allowing for a more rounded awareness of creative projects. The outcome for the project I co-led was a podcast series and a publication concerning sustainability within the art industry, as well as insights into mine and the team members own practices.