meng dinghui

meng dinghui

IllustratorBeijing, China
+ Info


Charlotte Knapp
Timothy Stewart
Ed Merlin Murray
meng dinghui

meng dinghui

IllustratorBeijing, China
About me
Hi, greetings! I am an illustrator from Meng Dinghui, China who is highly enthusiastic and has a high sense of responsibility for promoting the illustration cause. In this field, I am personally very interested in game and anime concept and art design. During my college years, I devoted much of my effort to drawing techniques relating to game and anime concept design. Thus, I am highly skilled in developing illustrations either in realistic or cartoon styles. In addition, I have also learned how to use 3D modeling software by myself as I envision that its combination with 2D drawing would make illustrations more enriched and diversified. I am highly interested in game and anime concept design. You can see the most recent works that I created, as well as the contact means, from the webpage bar and email address bar. I am eagerly looking forward to proving my creativity in illustration to you.
  • Brand's dream
    Brand's dreamI intend to create a short story that highlights love and effort. The story unfolds around a bakery apprentice, who is a little enthusiastic and hard-working boy, yet struggling to make satisfactory bread due to the endless mistakes he makes. Feeling deeply frustrated, he goes to sleep one night and in his dream he has the opportunity to meet the legendary God of Bakery - from whom he acquires an exceptional level of baking techniques after arduous training and practices.
  • Moonlight bottle
    Moonlight bottleI created an illustrated short story about a little girl who has magic powers relentlessly overcoming a series of setbacks and struggles to eventually get the magic flask that can fulfill her wish of collecting moonlight.
  • Amy
    AmyMy cutest baby
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  • Adobe Photoshop
  • 3D Zbrush
  • Maya 3D
  • SAI
    Arts University Bournemouth logo
    Arts University Bournemouth logo
    Illustration BA (hons) Arts University Bournemouth
     - Bournemouth, United Kingdom