Michael Butler Gallery

Michael Butler Gallery

Art DirectorChina
+ Info


Michael Butler Gallery

Michael Butler Gallery

Art DirectorChina
About me
ABOUT Michael Butler specialises in supplying original paintings and sculptures for public, private and corporate collectors. The paintings and sculptures are totally unique with the emphasis on colour, texture and detail and hand crafted by Michael to produce work of a high standard. 关于艺术家 迈克尔•巴特勒专门为收藏机构、个人、企业创作 油画和雕塑。这些作品着力于色彩、纹理及细节表 达,构成鲜明独特的艺术风格。迈克尔本人亲手创 作,确保超凡的艺术水准。
  • Fine Art Master Class at Nanjing Museum, China.
    Fine Art Master Class at Nanjing Museum, China.I have been instrumental in connecting schools and museums for cross-curricular collaboration projects in England and China.在英格兰和中国,我牵头多个跨学科合作项目,负 责对接学校与博物馆,从中发挥纽带作用。
Work history
    THE BRITISH ABSTRACT PAINTER英国抽象画家Michael Butler Gallery
    United Kingdom
    Michael Butler’s field of enquiry is divided into two main research topics. Investigating the genesis of ancient hieroglyphics and Chinese calligraphy through the examination of artefacts, and tools used to create written text. As a result of this research painting on canvas is the chosen surface. Using a variety of brushes, and tools to scrape off paint that has been poured on to reveal emblematical metaphors. He is attempting to see how his style of abstraction can respond to calligraphy; the abstract approach is linked to the relationship of lines, angles, curves and shapes.迈克尔•巴特勒致力于探索两大主题。其一是通过 对文物与造字工具的细察,深入研究古代象形文字 与汉字字体的起源。基于上述研究,巴特勒选取画 布作为创作媒介,运用各式画笔尽情挥墨,并在泼 上颜料后用工具刮去多余部分,以此透视出象征性 隐喻。他从未停止艺术试验,正是为了探究抽象风 格对汉字书法的呼应;而要呈现这种抽象风格,艺 术家需要把握好线条、角度、弧度、形状这四者之 间的密切关系。
  • Fine Art
  • Painting