milgo awad

milgo awad

Creative DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


milgo awad

milgo awad

Creative DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Freelance creative director
  • Milgo Awad Designs
    Milgo Awad DesignsLaunched my jewelry designs. Inspired by African goddess mixed with contemporary design, delicate jewelry could be worn on any occasion
  • Looking for: Fashion designer, jewellery designer, accessories designer
    Looking for: Fashion designer, jewellery designer, accessories designerEditorial shoot on the 7th and 16th December. Seeking designers - established and graduates. Let's collaborate.
  • Raging Rebel
    Raging RebelShort fashion film I directed for London College of Fashion - ‘true rebels are as rare as true lovers’ quote inspired by James Baldwin. Passionate heroine with powerful moves. The angelic troublemaker on a quest to setting her own rules, living closest to who she is, which is the purest form of reclaiming her identity.
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Projects credited in
  • Golden
    GoldenPatrick Kearns - Golden (feat. RPEMZ) Official 4K Music Video
Work history
    media partner executiveBlockchain live
    London, United KingdomFull Time
    Collaborating with publications and supporters to create strong content to promote - a blockchain event bringing industry leaders and influencers in Olympia London. Looked after the social media content e.g twitter and LinkedIn to engage our viewers with the latest news, features and announcements.
  • Style Direction
  • Fashion
  • Social Media
  • Media Partnerships
  • Art Direction
    bsc in business managementThe University of Westminster
     - London, United Kingdom