Milton Mannarino

Milton Mannarino

Full Stack DeveloperBarcelona, Spain
+ Info


Maga Pascansky
Aries Moross
Marylou Faure
Milton Mannarino

Milton Mannarino

Full Stack DeveloperBarcelona, Spain
About me
I’m a full-stack web developer, graphic designer and audio-visual content creator from Argentina, but based in Barcelona. I've developed projects that involve graphic design, data visualization, machine learning as-well as music production. I've worked and keep working, currently on React projects, together with styled components and Sass. In the back-end I'm experienced with Node , MongoDB and Express for building RESTful APIs and microservices. Currently I' am learning AWS together with python and I am open to learn any new technology.
  • Cardinale-Bardot
    Cardinale-BardotInteractive and experimental simple app for creating synthetic sounds and psychedelic visuals.
Projects credited in
  • Blind Gods (Dioses Ciegos) - trailer
    Blind Gods (Dioses Ciegos) - trailer9 minutes short film produced by ESCAC Films and AltoMetraje (Barcelona, Spain, 2020).
  • SOUR SOLUTION web design + development
    SOUR SOLUTION web design + developmentWebsite design and custom theme development for SOUR SOLUTION skateboards
  • C4A
    C4AC4A gives you an approach to Machine Learning in an interactive and experimental way. It's main feature lays on a canvas element in which, with the help of your right wrist pointed to your webcam (and an Artificial Intelligence algorithm), you can draw a kaleidoscope-like illustration and vary it's colors and symmetry to get different results. It also includes a way of interacting with other users through your and their creations. Be our guest and give it a try!
  • ALBERT COLL - The new life of a 90-year-old artist - short documentary
    ALBERT COLL - The new life of a 90-year-old artist - short documentaryMireia’s mother passed away two years ago and Albert, her 90-year-old grandfather, once a great jewelry artisan, was left with no purpose nor will to go on. Mireia found a way to renew the meaning of Albert's life with this project: to relaunch the jewelry brand under Albert's name and only with his designs. Soon enough, people started writing back to Mireia's Instagram posts. Some of them recognized the work of Albert Coll and remembered him from the old days, others wrote to her to congratulat
  • Museum of missing nurses for PSI
    Museum of missing nurses for PSIWeb development and CMS development for PSI Museum Of Missing Nurses, project that aims to visualize the amount of healthcare workers' salaries lost to tax evasion.
  • Lavika
    LavikaWeb application that aims to connect the user with the experience through interactivity. It's main purpose is to produce original music and create visuals with options of themes. The user has de ability to save, download and edit their songs as-well as the visuals. Be our guest and give it a try!
Work history
    Collabo Studio logo
    Collabo Studio logo
    Website DeveloperCollabo Studio
    Barcelona, SpainPart Time
  • Javascript
  • Html
  • CSS
  • Web Development
  • Ableton
  • Logic Pro
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Adobe Photoshop
    Ironhack UK logo
    Ironhack UK logo
    Full-Stack Web DeveloperIronhack UK
    Barcelona, Spain
    Full Stack Developer. MERN stack AGILE methodology
    Ironhack UK logo
    Ironhack UK logo
    Winner Hackshow Fullstack Web Developer May 2020Ironhack UK
    Full (MERN) Stack App with which you can Create, Save & Share Music and Visuals with all the Lavika community. One cool feature of Lavika is that the visuals responds to the music so are totally original and innovative for each user. But my favourite feature is that you can get a random lyric which you can sing along with the music you created, so you can record yourself and download the file once you finished!