Moira Marin

Moira Marin

Creative Coaching and Analytical Psychology ConsultantLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Naomi Gennery
Gene Limbrick
Anna Rose Kerr
Moira Marin

Moira Marin

Creative Coaching and Analytical Psychology ConsultantLondon, United Kingdom
About me
About I am a creative coaching and analytical psychology consultant with a rooted understanding of creative people management. For the last 20 years, I have paralleled Western academic studies and Eastern holistic traditions to enable human behaviour change in business and personal settings. The various aspects of work I developed are based on People’s Cultures. With a strong background in coaching and HR people management, I have supported and mentored small to mid-companies’ teams while cooperating closely with CEOs, artistic directors, and project managers. My work has twofold: on one hand, it supports companies’ executive decisions, enhances stagnant productivity, and facilitates creative environments, whilst establishing trust within people's individual and team projects. On the other hand, it focuses on more exclusive matters, helping individuals to overcome difficult personal situations, whilst providing tools to make comfortable decisions. I am enthusiastic about coaching, mentoring, people’s potential, psychology, management and creativity. My motto in life: never never never stop personal and professional growth! Biographical notes Moira Marin holds an MA in Analytical Psychology (Jungian and post-Jungian studies), an MA in Creative Producing, an accredited Certificate in Management (within an MBA program), and a BA in History of Art (majoring in modern and postmodern art and society). She has a Diploma in Coaching - ACC credentials from the International Coaching Federation (ICF). She acquired one Diploma in Martial Arts – Wado-Ryu 2nd dan and a second in Jujitsu 1st dan and subsequently gained related teaching qualifications. For over two decades, she has been studying creative healing and meditation techniques with Tibetan Lamas while practicing TrulKhor and Ashtanga Yoga. Born in Venice-Italy, bilingual with dual citizenship, Moira has been living in London with her two young adult daughters for the last 25 years

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