Molly Budd

Molly Budd

StudentBirmingham, United Kingdom
+ Info


Bridget Vuillermin
Jude Whyte
ɐɹoᗡ ɐuu∀ ˥
Molly Budd

Molly Budd

StudentBirmingham, United Kingdom
  • 30 second video
    30 second videoThis was one of my favourite projects, we had 30 seconds to create a video to represent a time frame we were given, mine was 2am - 2:30am so I decided to film parts of my nights out during that time and then I put them together on adobe premiere and created this
  • Magazine editorial
    Magazine editorialFor our first project in second year we had to design a 16 page magazine spread on a topic of our choice, I chose feminism and how fashion and design has helped women around the world. Here are some of the t shirts I designed for it.