Naomi Bailey

Naomi Bailey

IllustratorWoking, United Kingdom
+ Info


Tom Makinson
melissa macbri
Arunagiri Ramadurai
Naomi Bailey

Naomi Bailey

IllustratorWoking, United Kingdom
Work history
    Junior creative project managerSpark Brighter Thinking
     - London, United KingdomFull Time
    Fast-paced job which required quick thinking, organisation, delegation and teamwork. This placement was great for sharpening my IT and memorisation skills, time efficiency, and eye for detail.
    Sales assistantPaperchase
     - Woking, United KingdomPart Time
    Teamwork and caring for the customer are key in this role, where I work with my colleagues to help keep the area clean, and rearrange and restock merchandise in order to keep the store colourful, up-to-date and fun to shop in. With customers I make sure to give them as much help as possible in finding items and advice in what they could purchase for a gift.
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  • Illustration
  • Book Illustration
  • Character Illustration
  • Comic Illustration
  • Editorial Illustration
  • Digital Illustration
  • Microsoft Office
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Creative Writing
  • Blog Content
    MA Art Museum and Gallery StudiesKingston University
     - Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom
    Working on live briefs, museum toolkits, and learning all about demographics, decolonization, conservation and safety.
    University for the Creative Arts logo
    University for the Creative Arts logo
    BA IllustrationUniversity for the Creative Arts
     - Farnham, United Kingdom
    Experience in exhibiting own work, creating books, zines, and illustrative narrative, and being a part of the Penguin Books competition.