Natasha Henson

Natasha Henson

PlannerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Natasha Henson

Natasha Henson

PlannerLondon, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • Samsung x The Tough Mudder
    Samsung x The Tough MudderTo promote the new Samsung Galileo Smart Watch I wrote and directed a branded content piece on how the watch can help athletes of all stead.
  • Samsung Space Selfie
    Samsung Space SelfieIn 2019, Samsung’s 50th birthday coincided with the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. So to celebrate, they launched a Samsung S10 into space that could receive hundreds of Earthling selfies. Creative Directors: Guy Hobbs & Ben Edwards
  • Samsung - Sending Selfies into Space
    Samsung - Sending Selfies into SpaceTo celebrate Samsung's 50th birthday the #SpaceSelfie was born. The concept was launched via social media by Cara Delevingne (and the space case) where she invited the public to submit their own selfies. A live event, hosted at the Samsung KX store, provided attendees with a number of bespoke photo ops for the perfect selfie to be sent to space.
  • Samsung - Not a school
    Samsung - Not a schoolSamsung tasked us to come up with an education-based platform. Working within a large multi-disciplined team, we concepted Samsung KX’s ‘Not A School’ - an inclusive educational experience design to equip the future workforce to think the unthinkable.
  • Samsung #NotASchool
    Samsung #NotASchoolAs part of the Samsung #NotASchool project, thy.self's Founder Chloe Pierre, was recruited to deliver an interactive workshop and provides ongoing mentoring and support to young people, to prepare them for an unknown future - specifically, support in developing human skills that are neglected by conventional education. Samsung want to support young people in developing these human skills, to better tool them up to problem solve for society in a tech-oriented world. As part of the one-week curri
  • #NotASchool
    #NotASchoolProject Brief: How can AI be used to improve the quality of human life?