Navin Yousouf

Navin Yousouf

London, United Kingdom
+ Info


victoria sierra
Soulful Code
Kitchen Art Gallery
Navin Yousouf

Navin Yousouf

London, United Kingdom
About me
Hello! I will keep this introduction short and sweet (like me!) I’m Navin Yousouf, currently studying Advertising and Brand Design at Ravensbourne University and based in London. I’m a proud Afghan creative that specialises in art direction, illustration and graphic design.
  • Mini Uni Project
    Mini Uni ProjectWorking on this game for a brief for uni! Here's the character for it created by yours truly on blender :) There's so much more and I will continue to post updates and what the final outcome will look like!
Work history
    Creative DirectorStrappd
     - London, United KingdomFreelance
    I designed the branding and image for this upcoming brand called Strappd on instagram, with help from the creator of the brand and continuous communication I managed to come up with a logo and colour pallet that they thoroughly enjoyed and fit with the theme they had in mind!
  • Illustration
  • Marketing Design
  • Marketing Communications
  • Digital Advertisement
  • Digital Advertising
  • Digital Campaign
  • Digital Campaigns
  • Digital Creative
  • Brand Communication
  • Brand Design
    Ravensbourne University London logo
    Ravensbourne University London logo
    BA(Hons) Advertising And Brand DesignRavensbourne University London
    London, United Kingdom