Njan M

Njan M

Biophilic designerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Bashi Kolibarova
Jessica Duggan
Nadia Anderson
Njan M

Njan M

Biophilic designerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Looking to collaborate with designers and artists who are interested in Green tech and mindfulness. Based in the London area, expertise in project management and finance. Follow me on Instagram: @thenatropolis combining nature with living spaces. Entrepreneurial skills: Founder at Bella co and Dr latent
  • Aquascaping
    Aquascaping-The art of meticulously designing a glass tank to mimic a slice of nature through the use of plants, driftwood, rocks and fish. In essence underwater gardening.
  • Orangery
    OrangerySpace to relax, read and reflect. The project involved creating an area for the clients to connect with nature. The orangery ensures tropical plants are kept in optimal condition and require little maintenance.