Oriane Verstraeten

Oriane Verstraeten

Analogue PhotographerAntwerp, Belgium
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Faith Aylward
Mariam Sholaja
Sam Pyatt
Oriane Verstraeten

Oriane Verstraeten

Analogue PhotographerAntwerp, Belgium
About me
At a very young age I was triggered by photography. I have always felt an urge to document life from my perspective. I want to make shocking, realistic images more accessible to a generation that, more than ever, tends towards a kind of escapism that takes the upper hand in our daily streetscape. On the one hand, this generation craves a dreamy and idyllic image to numb its eyes and thoughts. On the other hand, at the same time they also feel the desire to keep their feet on the ground. What if we could bring a story that did not require escapism, but reality is brought to us in such a way that it becomes images that can inspire us in the most authentic way? An analogue portrait, captured by cameras from the 1990s. In my opinion, the most fascinating issue to capture today. My style can be best described as a pure vision with a surrealistic angle. Already at a very young age I was understood by photography, a belief that was impossible to put into words. A role that I carry out as a photographer for the people around me, I want people to feel understood through my work. Analogue photography is for me the most authentic form of self-expression. An instrument for the past to keep it close, but to fully relate my photography to the present.
  • Emma Bale music
    Emma Bale musicStreetstyle photography
  • Alicia Audrey Paris Campaign
    Alicia Audrey Paris CampaignA campaign shot analogue in Paris for a Belgian fashion brand
  • Left Off Shore
    Left Off ShoreA campaign for an upcoming Belgian music event
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Projects credited in
  • Igor Dieryck: Duty Calls
    Igor Dieryck: Duty CallsIgor Dieryck's new collection: Duty Calls