Pablo Di Francesco

Pablo Di Francesco

Textile DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Aries Moross
Ibrahim Kamara
Yana-Frida Binaev
Pablo Di Francesco

Pablo Di Francesco

Textile DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • Nike Women: Crazy Dreams
    Nike Women: Crazy DreamsComing in to work on “Crazy Dreams” was challenging: the guidelines of the tone - both visually and linguistically - was already very clearly defined. That’s why for us, a perfect line would use the story of the athlete to hit upon a universal truth that could inspire women internationally - and well beyond the confines of sport. Our highlight was to work on a line for Caster Semenya at a time when she was battling a deeply unjust court decision that would stop her from racing, purely based on
  • Nikky Lyle Creative presents with Industry Leaders
    Nikky Lyle Creative presents with Industry Leaders