Parin Ashra

Parin Ashra

UX / UI DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Sam Allen
Pip Jamieson
Parin Ashra

Parin Ashra

UX / UI DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I am a designer who wants to help shape the technological environment and make the internet a smoother and more visually beautiful space. My background in Finance has sharpened my mindset so I can think clearly, logically and analytically when implementing ideas. Thanks to this, I can enjoy focusing on idea development and creating beautiful designs. I am mentally stimulated by collaborating with others, sharing my ideas, learning from creatives around me and being involved.
Projects credited in
  • Real Links HR Internal Referral Platform
    Real Links HR Internal Referral PlatformReal Links is a hiring platform that helps companies fill job vacancies through referrals from their employees. The platform helps companies recruit by increasing their employees’ engagement rate with referral schemes. To achieve this, the company wants a platform that is easy to use and that encourages positive competition between employees. With this objective in mind, the brief given by the client was to: 1) simplify the sign-up process, 2) Design a clearer navigation, and 3) Make the gamific
Work history
    Perlego logo
    Perlego logo
    UX / UI DesignerPerlego
    London, United KingdomFull Time
    - In a design team of 5+ - Conducting competitive analysis, research and understanding the market environment - User interviews to understand a variety of individuals within and outside our target focus to gain a clear understanding user behavioural patterns. - Conducting workshops within the wider teams to gather and generate ideas for product solutions. - Creating prototypes from low to high fidelity of various forms for web, mobile and tablet. This includes paper prototypes, wire-framing and interactive prototypes. - User testing and follow up rapid iterations for handoff to Developer teams. - Ad hoc marketing graphic design when and where required. - Tech used: Sketch, Notion, InVision, Jira, Google Suite, Adobe Suite (occasionally), Slack, Zeplin
    Junior UX DesignerReal Links
     - London, United KingdomFreelance
    - Timeline: 2.5-week sprint through General Assembly - Team: 3 UX designers - Sprint focus: Sign-up process, site navigation & gamification - Solution: High fidelity wireframes & interactive prototype for desktop. Client presentation of key deliverables, telling the story of the process and prototype run-through. - Tech used: Sketch, Invision, Trello, Keynote. - Link to case study -
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  • Prototyping
  • Wireframing
  • User Flows
  • User Interviews
  • User Personas
  • Sitemaps
  • Paper Prototyping
  • Usability Testing
  • Sketchapp
  • Invision
    General Assembly logo
    General Assembly logo
    UX Design Immersive CourseGeneral Assembly
     - London, United Kingdom
    I was an immersive student at General Assembly, participating in the User Experience course for 10 weeks. With little to no experience related to the field I was able to work efficiently and pick up valuable skills and logic focusing on user research, synthesising findings, personas, mapping user flows, wireframing and prototyping. During this time I worked on 4 UX projects and a week of coding to get insight into the world of front end development to supplement the UX journey.