Parn Boonyamanee

Parn Boonyamanee

Software EngineerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Candy Baker
Stacy Besco
Paula Parole
Parn Boonyamanee

Parn Boonyamanee

Software EngineerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Digital service craftsman - where Software Engineer meet Service Designer 🤩 Know me more:
Projects credited in
  • The Filthy Fox Auction Club
    The Filthy Fox Auction ClubAs a major art hub, London is populated not only by many artists and art graduates but also by art-enthusiast who tend to be hesitant buyers due to an elitist art market environment. By reinventing the experience of live auctions, ‘The Filthy Fox Auction Club’ introduces promising art grads and helps them find their audience to kick off their careers. This entails both, offline pop-up auctions in unique places around London and streamed online auctions through social media. The focus during t