Patricia Paramita Husada

Patricia Paramita Husada

London, United Kingdom
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Moses Wainaina
Matt Willey
Aries Moross
Patricia Paramita Husada

Patricia Paramita Husada

London, United Kingdom
  • Spicy Indofood
    Spicy IndofoodSpicy food. Some love it, some hate it. You may be familiar with it and you can recall the fiery, burning sensation in your mouth simply at its mention. But what about it and why do we eat it? There is no set rule for defining spicy food, and since its effect varies for different people, it is possible to redefine it as a food for all to enjoy. In this publication, I explained the origin of spicy food, the science behind it and introducing spicy dishes of Indonesia through the visuals I took wh
  • Go Dare
    Go DareGo Dare is a social app aimed for individuals who have just arrived in the UK and have not much friends yet. The idea of completing a series of random dares will help them get out of their comfort zone (their house) and explore more stuff that is happening around the city, A find function furthers help to search for new friends that you can ask out to accompany you, whether it is a meal or a shopping trip. Lastly, the app also keeps you updated by listing the latest events or newly opened stores around the city.
  • Chelsea Scarves
    Chelsea ScarvesScarf designs based on the area of Chelsea in London, United Kingdom
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  • Advertising
  • Events
  • Marketing PR
  • Visual Arts
  • Print Design
  • Design
  • Environment
  • Illustrator
  • Indesign
  • Office
  • Photoshop
  • Powerpoint
    Graphic and Media Design
    Communication Design