
Paul Marklew

13 Prince George Rd, Wednesbury WS10 9PZ, UK
+ Info


Big Billy
Martina Satin
Simbiat Juwon-sulaiman

Paul Marklew

13 Prince George Rd, Wednesbury WS10 9PZ, UK
About me
I have Dyslexia to words and numbers, I was told at school that I would not make anything of myself. I was brought up by disabled parents who were both wheel chair bound. So things have not been so easy for me, I have been into photography for most of my life. I am a window cleaner at present but am trying to do more photography and this is were my heart is. I have had some of my work displays in art gallery around the world in places like Ireland the United States Sweden South Africa and Australia oh and here in Birmingham. I like Street photography but would love to do fashion photography and any think else I can do. I am just looking for help and that break in life to make it all happen.