Paulina Trzeciak

Paulina Trzeciak

Graphic DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
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Paul Robinson
Wimage Agency
Veronica Zubic-Nahvi
Paulina Trzeciak

Paulina Trzeciak

Graphic DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Paulina Trzeciak is a visual artist and designer with a wide range of artistic practices. In 2022 she graduated from the Graphic Design department at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. She got awarded the Young Talent Award for her graduation video installation by a cultural institution Stroom in The Hague, Netherlands. Before starting art studies in 2017 she received a bachelor's degree in Liberal Arts at the University of Warsaw. Her thesis examined the commodification of art and degradation of engaged and critical strategies in the perspective of choreography and performance art. Paulina’s practice is highly influenced by her academic background, as seen in her frequent incorporation of social theories and political perspectives. In the field of design, her main interests are artistic research, moving image, storytelling and art curation. She is equally fascinated by the use of fictional elements in design. She believes in its power to explore possible futures by creating speculative and alternative scenarios, shaping the complexity of the social-political landscape. Her artistic practice is highly multidisciplinary combining various disciplines together, think visual art and moving image alongside sound design & music. She co-creates Oramics, a Polish music platform which supports women, non-binary and queer people in the electronic music scene in Poland and Eastern Europe. Paulina is also active in the field of music industry, performing under the DJ moniker dogheadsurigeri. She also occasionally curates music events focusing on experimental club sounds and underground music communities. In July and August 2020 she took part in an artist residency at the Center for Contemporary Art in Warsaw which explored the connections between art and rave culture. In January 2021 she participated in the CTM 2021 Discourse discussion ‘Affective States of Exception’ on solidarity practices. Together with a Polish feminist scholar Ewa Majewska she is currently working on a publication about rage and empathy in the context of club scene and politics in Poland.
  • NTS x Diesel TRACKS
    NTS x Diesel TRACKSIn July 2022 I participated in NTS x Diesel TRACKS project. I was chosen as a representative of Oramics, a Polish queer-feminist artist's collective and platform dedicated to supporting underrepresented female and queer artists in the electronic music scene. For this project I contributed a guestmix which was aired on the NTS radio on the 17th of July 2022 and a Spotify playlist.
  • In Conversation
    In ConversationPodcast series "In Conversation" dedicated for prospective students. Commissioned by the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) in The Hague.
Work history
    CuratorPage Not Found
    The Hague, NetherlandsFreelance
    Co-curation of "Typographic Nights" & event production. With another designer, Trang Ha I co-curate series of in-house events for Page Not Found in The Hague (a non-profit art space which promoting publishing as an art practice). “Typographic Nights” is a live graphic design event revolving around the relationship between graphic design, writing, and the public.
    Guest curatorThe Grey Space in the Middle
     - The Hague, NetherlandsFreelance
    Music programming & art direction. I was invited by The Grey Space in the Middle in The Hague in the role of a guest curator to programme one edition of "Moving Downstairs" a club-night event at their venue. I was responsible for music programming as well as the space design, art direction and visual side of the event.
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  • Graphic Design
  • Video Editing
  • Editorial Design
  • Art Curation
  • Project Management
  • Graphic Communication
  • Web Design
  • Typography
  • Video Art
  • Unreal Engine
    Bachelor of Arts (BA) Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK)
     - The Hague, Netherlands
    I graduated from a four-year bachelor programme at the Graphic Design department from Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. I have strong foundation in typography, editorial design, web design, basic front-end programming, custom lettering, art direction, video editing and production as well as storytelling.
    University of Warsaw logo
    University of Warsaw logo
    Bachelor of Liberal Studies in Interdisciplinary StudiesUniversity of Warsaw
     - Warsaw, Poland
    I graduated in Liberal Arts from University of Warsaw, Poland. I received strong foundation in humanities, creative writing and critical thinking.
    Stroom Young Talent AwardStroom, The Hagu
    For my graduation project, a video installation I was awarded a Stroom Young Talent Award by Stroom institution in The Hague.