Poppy Ridgway

Poppy Ridgway

Event Sales ExecutiveWarwick, United Kingdom
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Pip Jamieson
Disguise Disguise
Peter Tarka
Poppy Ridgway

Poppy Ridgway

Event Sales ExecutiveWarwick, United Kingdom
  • Teeth! (Degree Show)
    Teeth! (Degree Show)Teeth! Not one set of teeth are the same, just like fingerprints they are unique to us. The precious nashers that sit in our gums go through a lot each day. This is without the fashion trend of fake braces taking over our smiles. Due to western society, Asian cultures see the metal dots on our teeth as a status symbol. As there is such a huge financial burden of receiving braces, the rise of fake braces have become more popular and dangerous. The tiny components on fake braces are made from led,
  • You'll be the Death of me
    You'll be the Death of meIf there is one thing that is definite in life, it is that you will die. Considering death is a once in a lifetime opportunity, we are so terrified to talk about it. An event that could be so well organised for an individual tends to end up being nothing like what the deceased person ever wanted. Whether it is a sudden death or an expected one, we still leave fragments of ourselves on people’s lives even after we die. As the human population rises, so does the death toll, and with this we are
  • How to Successfully Smuggle Weapons into a Prison
    How to Successfully Smuggle Weapons into a PrisonHave you ever wondered how to successfully smuggle a weapon into a prison? Manchester's identity thrives in many different aspects around the city, from its architecture to its heritage and its eccentric culture. On the 25th April 1990, 7 prisoners came to the end of their 25 days rioting on top of Strangeways prisons roof, after describing it like a holiday being up there. What caught my attention about the prisoners was their inventive thinking about making weapons to defend themselves, e.g.
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  • Microsoft
  • Casting
  • 3D Design
  • Design Thinking
    2:1 (BA Hons) Three Dimensional DesignManchester Metropolitan Universirty
     - Manchester, United Kingdom