Rhianne Burnett

Film DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Gerrome Miller

Rhianne Burnett

Film DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • 18
    18Brand Film - They say life starts at 18. Jerome and Eddie are all set to give Ali the 18th birthday to remember... but for all the wrong reasons... 18 is a powerful story of friendship, love and regret. In partnership with Network Rail and 23Red we have created ‘18’ a dramatic film with a storyline developed through school workshops, scripted by Shazia Rashid, directed by Teddy Nygh and with a cast of acclaimed actors including: BAFTA-nominee Aimee Kelly (from BBC drama Wolfblood), Harry Kirt
    EXPOSEDThis gripping drama explores loneliness, anger and mental health. The importance of self care and how toxic use of social media can have a devastating knock-on effect on a group of young school friends.