Riccardo Girardi

Riccardo Girardi

ArtistLondon, United Kingdom
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Micaela McLucas
kuchar swara
Nicole Krystal Crentsil
Riccardo Girardi

Riccardo Girardi

ArtistLondon, United Kingdom
  • Roman experimental archeology - Legio I Italica
    Roman experimental archeology - Legio I Italica
  • Illustration
  • Craft
  • Photoshop
  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Art
  • Illustrator
  • Teaching
    Culture Trip logo
    Culture Trip logo
    Post-graduate Culture Trip
    London, United Kingdom
    GIRARDI RICCARDO https://www.facebook.com/Riccardo-Girardi-596257793765514/ www.riccardogirardi.com https://www.pinterest.com/fuoconeromg/boards/ https://www.pinterest.com/fuoconeromg/pins/ Telephone: 07587468009 Email: fuoco.nero.mg@gmail.com or riccardoartist@gmail.com Studies and Training 2005 Academy of Fine Arts, Venice (Italy) Degree in Applied Arts and History of Contemporary Art 2003 Cine Studio Ltd, Bologna (Italy) PhD and short training course in video direction and production ISd’A, Istitute art, Castelmassa, Rovigo, Italy 1999 Further Diploma 1998 Diploma in Experimental Art with Mosaics and Stones 1997 Master of Art - Art Institute of Castemassa (Rovigo) Italy 2002 President of the Cultural ARS Dimicandi - Experimental Roman Archaeology* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FhpFp72IwI 2002 Founder and Secretary of Cultural Association Roman Experimental Archaelogy 2002 Artistic collaborator with the Museum The Great Rivers of Rovigo 2005 Degree in Applied Arts and History of Contemporary Art Riccardo comes from a little town in Northern Italy. He studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice and in 2003 his artworks are selected to represent the Academy at the Biennale of Venice. In 2002 as the director of “Ars Dimicandi” he experiments on the Archaeology of Roman Art together with Professor Dario Battaglia and the Great Rivers Museum in Rovigo. In the same year he meets Figurative painter Walter Girotto and artist Mario Lazzarini. both world known artists will have a great influence on Riccardo’s work. Riccardo’s path is quite unconventional: he starts as an artist, becomes an art teacher, a musician, then a fire fighter and after a couple of years working on cruise ships he lands in London to finally be officially recognized as a very talented artist. His philosophy comes from a wide range of experiences that lead him to take difficult decisions in life. Women are a recurring theme. Actually, for the majority of people women are an enigma. To Riccardo, they are like an open book. He understands them immediately not without great emotional conflicts, though. His work often deals with social and political themes. He believes in art as a weapon to influence society. Ballpoint pens and pencil, common tools for communication become in the capable hands of Riccardo instruments to create masterpieces of art. 2015/2016 -Le Dame Art Gallery (London) https://www.facebook.com/LeDameLondon/ -Diversity Matters (London) https://www.facebook.com/diversitymattersuk https://www.facebook.com/events/988405594607745/ -Artrooms Melià (London) http://www.art-rooms.org - Art Lover Ground (London) https://www.facebook.com/events/208127539553342/ - Fabbrica Del Vapore (Italy) http://www.fabbricadelvapore.org/en 2000-2006 -collaboration with the Italian international artist Walter Girotto 2001-2009 -collaboration with the artist Mario Lazzarini 2003-2008-2011 -exhibition at the Art Gallery of Rovigo New Style(Italy) 2004-2008-2010 -exhibition at the art Gallery of Fine Arts in Venice (Italy) 2005-2012 -exhibition at the art gallery Il Melone of Rovigo (Italy) 2006-2008 -exhibition at the Art Gallery of Vicenza (Italy) References - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Riccardo-Girardi/596257793765514 - https://www.facebook.com/GIGI.Girardi.Riccardo/photos_albums - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHXl2sWEP Interview with Riccardo Girardi Who is Riccardo Girardi? It 'a wonderful artist Italian immigrant in London. has landed in the UK and has become here is the story of an incredible artist and designer who, after many vicissitudes, for the series "Italian talent search dignity in the world", what should always have been: an artist. Or, as he calls it, "a skilled artisan» .. But we proceed with order. The story of Richard starts in Villadose, the province of Rovigo, Veneto. Before arriving in London, "by chance," working on cruise ships as a massage therapist and personal trainer. Even before managing his own business: a gym. For ten years he worked as a firefighter and as an emergency driver for ambulances. But when they get physical problems in the leg, stopping work on a cruise and after physical therapy, he decided to "come out", not to stay in his country. It goes live in London to learn English, as many others. "Bad choice!" - Said Riccardo - "because London is a city that does not force you to learn English." And here in the metropolis began life as a typical Italian immigrant. "From 7 to 12 I worked in an Italian restaurant in Cockfosters. The first 40 days I was an absurd life. " But in the meantime he knows Fabio Tedder "the person who connects people." Through Fabio meets Cristina, his current gallery. Little by little, in a few months, takes shape his new life "in London, where you can be an artist." But how did your passion for drawing? - We ask Riccardo. Everything, as often happens, originates from his family. Because his - he tells us - was "a family with taste." The father was painting and he was trying to imitate him. Then he attended the Art Institute, in Castelmassa (Rovigo). And, still later, he enrolled simultaneously at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice and experimental filmmaking at the University of Bologna (Direction and Video Production). But soon realizes that the Academy of the air is not genius, is the close: "I hated the environment." So let it all: open his own business, become a volunteer firefighter and the green cross. completely to paint stops. But after all these experiences here it is that Riccardo, about two years ago, he decided to groped their luck in London. And does the artist at last. What kind of artist? - We ask. How would you define yourself? The kind of art that he does is "figurative" - he explains. It 'an art aimed at a wide audience. "Contemporary art is for exclusive use by a few" - he says. "To the ignorant contemporary art you may not like, but instead must be able to explain their work. Beauty can not be a heritage of an elite. " Free up the works of art from safes merchants (who design projects as pure and simple investment) and "return to the beautiful" (although his gallery owner disagrees): These are the two guiding principles of his work. "Today is missing the search for beauty" - says Riccardo. And this thing "has the degrading social effects, among other things." Then "nice not mean for figurative force," - clarifies - "even the abstract is beautiful, but it must have an explanation for the public." If at this point you're curious to know how are the works of Riccardo, we suggest you take a ride on his facebook page [hyperlink]. No: no pictures. They are his drawings, his work. It is hyper-realism - to use a technical term loosely. It is pure skill - to us outsiders. Actually drawing from life was one of his strengths, when he was at the Academy, he says. So why a genius like that, in Italian, was over to do anything? Here in London, life is certainly not easy, but you can live art - he insists. At first I did not have too much money to spend on oil paints and technical material and then is also why I began to do just portraits and drawings with a BIC on simple A4 sheets. But then there is another reason. Accomplish something so precious from materials that everyone can have available is its challenge to the public and the artists. And then, again, often his drawings on sheets are born as a starting drafts for works on much larger tables - 'works who work for whole months, I can not afford to make mistakes. " Even Boris Johnson, among others, has been able to appreciate the genius of our artists. Riccardo has decided to portray the mayor of London as a gladiator: a triumphant gladiator in a Guardian cover (it's a fake, of course, but it seems true!). Johnson, in fact, is a great admirer and fan of Roman history (he wrote an essay on Rome and promoted the spread of Latin in English schools). And then the figure of the gladiator has many symbolic meanings and political: the legionaries are those who have made possible the achievements and the expansion of the empire of Rome. But many others are portraits that are commissioned, since his reputation as a portraitist began to assert itself. We understand it is a true artist - someone who deep whole self into his work - when he revealed this secret. "When I commissioned a portrait and ask me how long it will take me to do it, I have to answer: it took 36 years." Nothing comparable to Michelangelo or to some other sacred monster of art history - is keen to stress - but still it is so. In each work there is his whole story, his life, his path. * LEGIO I ITALICA The group of Experimental Archaeology LEGIO I ITALICA sees the light in 2001, within a Roman reenactment project promoted by GAV (Villadose Archaeological Group) based in Villadose. The project was realized in the annual event called "Market of Roman Century", during which still live on the customs and traditions of the Roman Republic and Imperial.The debut of our activities was represented by the ceremony of centuriata land allocation to veterans, but only with Corrado Perelli, current President of the Association, the Legio I Italica began to diversify and deepen themes and aspects of the life of the Roman legionnaire, recalling the 'interest of a growing number of enthusiasts. Strategies, tactics, formations, weapons, equipment, training and fighting represent a fertile ground for more in-depth studies and experiments. The purely martial themes alongside the anthropological aspects that complement the Legionnaires universe, in their many facets: religion, tradition, medicine, customs and traditions accompany visitors on an adventurous journey back in time. ever more complex began to enrich our educational activities and outputs make known the LEGIO I ITALICA, with legionnaires committed to playing camp life, drills, preside over religious ceremonies and military functions - all in strict compliance of philology and historical sources , exciting field of research and inspiration for our reconstruction and experimentation activities, aimed to convey to the visitor something more. The meeting with prestigious historical re-enactment groups of Celtic atmosphere gave way to LEGIO I ITALICA to field test what has been studied and researched, while creating a corridor of communication between two culturally opposite worlds but coexisting, both in history and in the re-enactment. Gushed collaborations, one for all with the prestigious group of Experimental Archaeology touta Taurini, which consolidated over time continue to give important fruits, ranging from joint participation in national and international historical events to television filming for RAI and other Italian and foreign networks . Today LEGIO I ITALICA represents an important reference point for the re-enactment enthusiasts and Roman Military History. The passion for the history of Rome, the desire to experience firsthand the life of Legionnaires on the battlefield, during trips or castrum, call to rally under the Eagle of our Legion fans from all over Italy and now also from ' Abroad. The heterogeneity of the group, which sees collaborate and share experiences people of different walks of life, is a strong point of our Association, constantly engaged in research and development of new experiments, ideas, proposals and projects related to the universe legionnaire, with a job which we are now screened in the international scene.