Riley Knox

Riley Knox

Relentlessly curiousLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Riley Knox

Riley Knox

Relentlessly curiousLondon, United Kingdom
About me
'Relentlessly curious.' Probably the kindest description of myself. Other ones include 'a sponge of weird stories and information' and 'Knows a lot about dumb sh*t'. This is something I pride myself on, as once curious I can dive into any variety of projects. Bringing obscure information about contrasting topics together into something new. I do copywriting, art direction, design and motion, anything to best communicate my ideas. All of which are born in a beaten-up notepad that lives in my back pocket. I love to talk to new people and find out new things. If anything interests you please reach out as I would be happy to chat.
Work history
    Branding and visualisationthebrandgym
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    Ravensbourne University London logo
    Ravensbourne University London logo
    Top 3 KopparbergRavensbourne University London
    Managed to achieve top 3 in the Kopparberg lable design competition. Beating out 80+ competitors.
    Bulletproof logo
    Bulletproof logo
    Remix shortlistBulletproof
    Shortlist for the bulletproof brand design competition.