Robyn Charles

Robyn Charles

Brand Strategist & Content SpecialistLisbon, Portugal
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James Lee
Bill Bixby
Robyn Charles

Robyn Charles

Brand Strategist & Content SpecialistLisbon, Portugal
    Inside LVMH CertificateLVMH
    Thrilled to say I completed this course with a stellar 97%! This journey truly deepened my appreciation for the intricacies of the luxury world, all while championing sustainability and pushing the envelope on innovation. The programme offered a rich blend of multimedia content—from insightful videos and podcasts to inspiring interviews and articles, all curated by the luminaries at LVMH. It was more than educational; it was a personal dialogue with the industry's best, making every lesson resonate on a deeper level. My focus, alongside the core learning objectives, were Operations & Supply Chain, as well as Creation & Branding.