Röy Ch?n

Röy Ch?n

+ Info


Matt Willey
julie machin
Disguise Disguise
Röy Ch?n

Röy Ch?n

Work history
    Account Executive
    I am passionate toward helping brands/businesses stay on beat in the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing with my arsenal of personal and professional skills. I am also passionate about holistic fitness where nutrition complements personal training and am willing to help individuals achieve personal goals. Sociable, personable and attentive to details, I translate complex ideas into clear, concise and common language(s) that makes execution prompt, effective and impactful allowing for swift response and adaptability, assisting businesses to stay agile and flexible in the face of constant growth while keeping individuals on track toward their goals. I possess acute observational skills coupled with deductive analyses through various management processes that allow me for sound reasoning useful in organisational structuring, social media strategies and building start-ups. Relevant skills from a previous highly technical industry and transitioned to a social and new media communications industry exposes me to problems that are effectively solved through creativity, reasoning, negotiation and a keen dedication to problem-solving itself. Armed with a wide berth of language command, problem-solving abilities, research abilities, strong social media planning background, writing, copywriting and communication skills with strong organisational abilities, media/branding strategical planning is something I thrive in helping brands get ahead of the competition. Currently enjoying my great stint in Vizeum where I fuel on the ever-expanding breadth of knowledge of all things social media, Google products and the media diversity, the need for effective & efficient problem-solving becomes ever more pressing than ever in helping businesses navigate through the challenge of achieving business goals through digital and analogue media.
    Marketing Manager
    Creating Effective Presentation Decks, Copywriting, Markets Research and Analysis, Accounts Servicing and Management, Branding Consultancy, Events Management, Agencies and Media Liaisons, Social Media Engineering, Social Media Stretegizing, Sales & Public Relations
  • Fashion
  • Advertising
  • Events
  • Marketing PR
  • Design
  • Excel
  • Photoshop
    Bachelor in Communications
    Public Speaking & Presentations