Romaya Sorzano

Romaya Sorzano

London, United Kingdom
+ Info


Joe Farrugia
Amber Shaboo-Meere
Romaya Sorzano

Romaya Sorzano

London, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • TriniDay in association with BRIT AACS
    TriniDay in association with BRIT AACSHad the most amazing time this week in the BRIT School Canteen Celebrating Trinidad. Working with the AACS (African, Asian, Caribbean Society) a traditional menu of Chana Aloo or Trini Curry Chicken both served with pelau rice and roti and of course a refreshing up of sorrel. While people enjoyed their food they enjoyed music including steel pan and dance. The plan is to celebrate different countries each month. If you are a current or former student who can help with ideas, decorations or
  • Musician