Safa Abd Elhamid

Safa Abd Elhamid

Social Media MarketingLondon, United Kingdom
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Deividas Bukauskas
Charley Amelia-rae
Shoot Studio
Safa Abd Elhamid

Safa Abd Elhamid

Social Media MarketingLondon, United Kingdom
About me
A mid-level social media marketer and creative strategist with an enthusiastic desire in working with fashion, beauty and wellness brands. 💡 Recently graduated with a Master's Degree in Design Communication & Technology in September 2022, and obtained a Bachelor's in Business Management & Marketing in July 2019 🎓 Over my professional career, here are some of my key achievements... 💻 I have designed websites for a variety of small e-commerce businesses across the globe & obtained clients from USA, France and South East Asia. ✨ I've managed social media campaigns and pages for 5 accounts simultaneously and succeeded with increasing each account's following + conversion rate from followers to consumers/clients. 💡 I contributed to email marketing campaigns in the outdoor travel industry for 12 months straight. When I'm not busy stirring up brand ideas or campaigns and managing accounts, I am... 📚 Consistently taking courses to enhance my career. I believe no matter how experienced you may be, you never stop learning because if you are in an industry like mine - it always changes. ⚜️ Constantly expanding my portfolio. When I find myself in quiet periods or with free time I always complete brand and website design mockups to attract my dream clients and employers. 🔊 I am currently taking on clients in 2023 for either social media marketing, branding or website design projects. Please send a message for more information 😊 If you're looking to get in touch and just have a chat, feel free to send a message here or an email to to see how we can connect. Thanks for reading! 👏🏼
Work history
    Digital Marketing ExecutiveSHOOT STUDIO
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    FreelancerSAE Studio
    London, United KingdomFreelance
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    Ravensbourne University London logo
    Ravensbourne University London logo
    Design CommunicationRavensbourne University London
     - London, United Kingdom
    Business and MarketingThe University of Hertfordshire
     - Hatfield, United Kingdom