Sanai Dixon- Thomas

Sanai Dixon- Thomas

Performer, CreativeLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Eden Harward
Michael Machewere
Emma Ludlow
Sanai Dixon- Thomas

Sanai Dixon- Thomas

Performer, CreativeLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I’m Sanai Antoinette, a 17-year-old aspiring performer, stylist and creative - currently training at The Brit School. I am a dancer trained in contortion, contemporary, jazz and street dance, with musical theatre training as well. In addition to this, I am an aspiring stylist and take a lot of interest in the creative process behind and in front of shoots. I am interested in dancing, singing, acting, modelling, styling and creative direction of all kinds!
  • UNSPOKEN BY THE MASONS - Assistant Stylist (work experience)
    UNSPOKEN BY THE MASONS - Assistant Stylist (work experience)I had the opportunity to assist a stylist (Malcolm Yaeng) on a shoot with 'THE MASONS'. This experience required problem solving due to the location of the shoot, as well as close attention to detail and creativity.
  • Promotional Photoshoot with The Brit School
    Promotional Photoshoot with The Brit SchoolA photoshoot to promote the 2023 Dance Strand end of year showcase. Working with a photographer and some of my fellow dancers to create images for our production 'Resonate'.
  • Work Experience with Matches Fashion
    Work Experience with Matches FashionShadowing stylists, as well as the women's wear manager for 2 weeks. I had an opportunity to style two looks for a model of my choice as well as to then direct the shoot.
  • Dance
  • Dance Choreography
  • Jazz Dance
  • Contemporary Dance
  • Dancing
  • Singing
  • Theatre Acting
  • Modelling
  • Styling
  • Styling Direction
    The BRIT School logo
    The BRIT School logo
    Level 3 Diploma in Performing Arts DanceThe BRIT School
    London, United Kingdom