Sara Cano de Gardoqui

Sara Cano de Gardoqui

Ethnographic Filmmaker. Video Editor.Brighton, United Kingdom
+ Info


Emran Ikbal
Kevin Kabeya
Lidia Springer
Sara Cano de Gardoqui

Sara Cano de Gardoqui

Ethnographic Filmmaker. Video Editor.Brighton, United Kingdom
About me
I'm Sara, a seasoned video editor with a passion for crafting stories that connect, educate, and inspire. My path began in ethnographic filmmaking, where I learned to delve into the heart of diverse cultures and communities. It was more than just filming; it was about understanding their stories deeply and sharing them with empathy. My work with video aimed to spark dialogue and drive change.
  • Peeled BTS Documentary
    Peeled BTS DocumentaryI am proud to have created the 'Peeled BTS Documentary', a behind-the-scenes look at the unique TV show 'Peeled'. The documentary was screened at the Vkind Peeled Premiere 2022 at the Director's Guild of America in the heart of Hollywood, CA. I had the privilege of capturing the emotional journey of the contestants and judges, as well as the success of the show.
  • Performing Byron's "The Giaur"
    Performing Byron's "The Giaur"A documentary and ethnographic film that delves into the use of music, sound, and movement in a theatrical adaptation of Lord Byron's poem “Zrozumiec Giaura” performed in Wrocław, Poland. I took on the challenge of completing the project within a tight 2-hour timeframe, using my planning skills and dedication to ensure its success. Overcoming the language barrier was no easy feat, but through extensive research, I was able to capture the essence of the performance, resulting in a stunning film t
  • Träume
    Träume"Traüme" is an experimental short film, influenced by the surreal aesthetics of Luis Buñuel's works. Within a tight 48-hour timeframe, I wrote, directed, shot, and edited this evocative piece that became a finalist in the "Certamen de Arte Joven Castilla y León" contest in 2020. Emphasising the crucial balance between visuals and sound, I collaborated closely with a talented music and sound creator to deliver a captivating and sensory experience for viewers.
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Projects credited in
  • Keep it going! - Veganuary
    Keep it going! - VeganuaryVeganuary is a global campaign that has inspired and supported more than one million people in 192 countries to try vegan for January – and beyond. Since the event began in 2014, participation has more than doubled each year.
Work history
    Video Editor, Content creator, Motion graphics designerFreelance
    United KingdomFreelance
    Video EditorPlant Based Network
     - Brighton, United KingdomPart Time
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  • Video Advertising
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Editor Film
  • Music Documentary
  • Ethnographic Research
  • Subtitling
  • Spanish
  • Colour Correcting
  • Motion Graphics
    Goldsmiths, University of London logo
    Goldsmiths, University of London logo
    MAGoldsmiths, University of London
     - London, United Kingdom
    MA in Ethnomusicology and Ethnographic Film
    BAFacultad de Filosofia y Letras, Valladolid
     - Valladolid, Spain
    BA in History and Science of Music