Sarah Daniel

Sarah Daniel

CopywriterLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Ben Jones
Fahmy-Eduard Abo Hammad
Sarah Daniel

Sarah Daniel

CopywriterLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Junior copywriter treading the waters of ad land. Send a boat please.
  • Don't watch this
    Don't watch thisYou were warned. This irritating little number came about from a uni brief where we had to imagine what our building was thinking and feeling. The studio space was really new and stark - very much at odds with all the creativity going on, so I thought it probably felt like it had its own creative side, hidden away, maybe going a bit nuts without an outlet.
  • I Need Your Face
    I Need Your FaceI wanted to get better at drawing people, so to practise every day I decided to draw all my Facebook friends. This ended up being a pretty cool project that led to me getting back in touch with some old friends. Then I decided to conduct a bit of an experiment: to see if Facebook can actually connect people in the real world. I created 'I Need Your Face', a Facebook page and Instagram hashtag where I put out a shout-out for people to volunteer to have their portraits drawn. Next step is to bring this bunch of strangers together to meet each other at an exhibition of all the drawings.
  • Not another Christmas headline
    Not another Christmas headlineThe brief: Write a headline to make two very ordinary phones stand out on a page full of other handsets from other network providers. Oh, and make it Christmassy.
Work history
    CopywriterBD Network
    London, United KingdomFull Time
    Splitting my time between conceptual thinking for campaigns, activations and experiential events and scribbling headlines, web copy, emails, and all the rest. Hybrid skills of copy and graphic design.
     - London, United KingdomFreelance
  • Design
  • 5. Illustration
  • Copwriting
  • Art Direciton
  • Research
  • Branding
  • Brand Tone
    HNDUniversity of Greenwich
     - London, United Kingdom